Dogs on Film

Inspired by my love for Elliot Erwitt's work, I'm putting together my own homage to his amazing dog photos. Will put up the new mini project soon. Every time I go away I try to focus on photographing dogs. So far New York has been the best dog city by far!


I've been trying to trying to put the final touches on my latest exhibition which will hopefully be on after the summer in Brussels. Had me thinking about my first exhibition when I was living in Shanghai. Had great fun doing it- it was all shot in the house I was living in - and entailed many hot nights with a shutter release in one hand and torch in the other.

Refreshing Natalie Hill

I recently updated my website and my logo at the same time. I turned to my online agent Wonderful Machine to help me with the process. I've used their consulting services before and had a good experience.

Here's a little write up on their blog about how I worked with their designer Joey Pasko to get a logo which is up to date, fresh and I think really captures my personality.